Sources and Data for Tesla CO2 Savings Estimate

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Transparency is good! Below are data and sources used for the recent Plugless article: Tesla Drivers Have Saved Over 340 Million Pounds CO2

Year Teslas Delivered Weighted Annual Savings per Tesla (CO2e) Years on Road Total Annual US Tesla Fleet Savings (CO2e)
2012 2650 1902 4 20,160,972
2013 19663 1902 3.5 130,895,111
2014 19014 1902 2.5 90,410,548
2015 27715 1902 1.5 79,070,001
2016 21469 1902 0.5 20,416,788
X 500,000 1902 1 340,953,419


State Percentage Teslas sold in each state # Teslas sold 2012 # Teslas sold 2013 # Teslas sold 2014 # Teslas sold 2015 # Teslas sold 2016 Vehicle miles travelled (mi / yr / registered driver) Electricity driving fuel used (kWh / year / driver) Grid electricity emissions factor (lbs CO2e / kWh) Solar electricity emissions factor (lbs CO2e / kWh)
(Source: InsideEVs) Source (all years): InsideEVs (Source: UC Berkeley Calculator)
CA 45% 1,193 8,848 8,556 12,472 9,661 11,980 4,288 0.7 0.098
Other (US avg emission factors used) 55% 1,458 10,815 10,458 15,243 11,808 13,080 4,682 1.363 0.20445
Totals 2,650 19,663 19,014 27,715 21,469


Annual Electricity emissions per Tesla driver (lbs CO2e) Annual Gasoline fuel avoided per Tesla driver (gallons) Annual Gasoline emissions avoided per Tesla driver (lbs CO2e) Annual avg GHG savings per Tesla (lbs CO2e) Electricity emissions per Tesla w/solar (lbs CO2e) Emissions savings / yr of current US Tesla fleet (lbs CO2e / yr) Cumulative Greenhouse gasses saved by Teslas thru Oct ’16 (lbs CO2e) <– ” ” in METRIC Tons Annual CO2 savings with year X data (lbs CO2e / yr) Cumulative Greenhouse gasses saved by Teslas if all were on solar thru Oct ’16 (lbs CO2e) 50% solar savings – cumulative
3,002 329 6,438 3,436 420 310,976,253 277,158,260 125,717.02 1,084,027,670.80 485,408,306 381,283,282.70
6,382 359 7,029 647 957 58,564,839 63,795,160 28,937.03 236,502,667.05 598,611,291 331,203,225.52
4,083 1,378 369,541,092 340,953,419 154,654.05 1,320,530,337.85 712,486,508


Efficiency – Tesla Evs 2.79 mpkWh US Dept of Energy
Efficiency – all gas cars on road in US 21.4 mpg US Dept of Transportation
Efficiency – new gas cars 36.4 mpg Dept of Transportation
Gasoline emission factor 19.56 lbs CO2e / gallon UC Berkeley Carbon Footprint Calculator Documentation

Greenhouse gas equivalencies source: US EPA Equivalencies Calculator

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